Because even small things can make a difference!
We can all contribute to climate protection.
Good ideas and practical approaches are needed to reach those who may not have access to relevant information and do not know how or where to start.

The protection of our planet will constitute a serious challenge for many years to come. Therefore, it is important to sensitize all citizens on climate change topics and provide them with an opportunity to reflect on their own personal contribution. Currently, the majority of environmental education projects and initiatives is aimed at young people and especially at pupils in primary and secondary education, whereas the number of projects addressing socio-economically disadvantaged groups of people in relation to climate awareness is alarmingly low. While promoting climate action among young people is essential, particularly in the context of future climate issues, other groups of society and especially adults from disadvantaged backgrounds and with low levels of education, cannot be neglected.
People coming from disadvantaged backgrounds are often deprived from vital climate-related knowledge due to the lack of information tailored to their needs, which may result in environmentally irresponsible behaviour.
Climate Box will fill the existing gap by focusing exclusively on this target group with the aim to strengthen their awareness, knowledge and skills in the area of climate and environment and motivate them to adopt an environmentally conscious behaviour.

Climate Box will develop and provide materials tailored to the specific needs of the target group with a particular focus on basic information applicable to everyday life, such as energy and food consumption, water usage, clothing and mobility choices. For this purpose, the project will create a toolbox containing small-scale and ready-to-use learning units, which educators and trainers can integrate into their courses to increase climate awareness and motivate participants to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle.
Target Groups
The main target groups of this project are a) trainers and adult educators, who will be the direct users of the developed educational materials and b) socio-economically disadvantaged groups of people, who will be the main beneficiaries of the project’s outputs. Particular attention will be given to the unemployed, those with low education levels and those with a migration background.