Based on the research phase the partners have developed more than 60 micro-units describing learning activities that are tailored to the educational needs of disadvantaged adults and cover relevant every-day aspects of climate education within six main topics: Climate Change and Personal Impact; Waste and Packaging; Personal Choice – Food & Nutrition; Personal Choice: Consumption and efficiency; Environment – Pollution and protection; and Networking and Multiplication.
The aim of these micro-units is to encourage the main target group to reflect on their behaviour and make climate-friendly personal decisions. The units are self-contained and designed to be used in an adult education context, i.e. in classrooms, while teaching other thematic areas such as language courses, labour market programmes, and integration courses. They contain all necessary instructions to the educators on how to use each resource and in which context(s), without the need of being a climate education expert, at the same time omitting lengthy preparations.
Every-day aspects of climate education